Monday, December 15, 2003

Im trying to get rid of that ad banner at the top of the page. False advertising. It says "get rid of this ad here" lo and behold the url cannot be found.
Spent most of the morning cursing my bag of paint tubes. I wanna do this certain painting and am out of colors. $@%$. I keep coming back to the computer to keep from smoking all my cigarettes. I wanna save some for later. After cussing out my deficient bag of paints I went looking for my sense of humour. Smoked another cigarette. Thought about heading to the club to help with the set up for the Christmas party. Thought about the icy rain. Smoked. Made tea. Thought about writing music to my showtune. Drank tea. Started a new cup. Thought about writing some grant proposals. Wrote the cover letters for 5 grant proposals and started the text for all of them. Cussed, smoked, tea, rain, hungry...


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