Friday, April 29, 2005

I was online reading declassified (but censored) presidential memos and CIA reports concerning the capture and murder of revolutionary Che Guevera and something made me laugh in spite of the horror of reading orders from so called sane intelligent leaders for another man's death, on the bottom of the documents are the stamps "secret".
It just made me laugh about the human condition. Stamp some inkpad ink on a piece of paper with the word "classified" or "secret" or even more than secret "top secret" and what? Everyone just heeds? Oh hey that's secret, don't read that.... it's funny what simple move makes an inanimate thing uber important to our species. If stamping some ink on paper makes it somes kind of doctrine then no wonder in this way of thinking a CIA ordered murder isn't criminal. This species is just too easily led.


Blogger skinned said...

and how.

9:54 PM  
Blogger sk8rn said...

Great point and oh so true. Now, what are the Motorcycle Diaries?

5:45 AM  
Blogger skinned said...

The Motorcycle diaries is a movie about Ernesto Guevera and a motorcycle trip he took with his best friend, before he was well known as the revolutionary Che Guevera. It chronicles the journey where his innocence was shattered and he learned the truths that caused him to become what history tells us he became.
I hear there are 2 other movies in the making that deal with his revolutionary years.

7:33 AM  
Blogger NomadLife said...

Hear, hear.

11:02 PM  

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