Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Mamma said, "Your problem is you're always putting everything into everybody else. Spending all your skills making other people alright, organizing futures & successes for people who may or may not even care when you get right down to it or a few yards past it... you never capitolize on yourself, someday your going to turn around and say, "look at what all my skills got everybody' and all you'll be is worn to the bone... all your talent just dripping away like you think this world lasts forever..."
THen she sucks back the blood from where she bit her tongue and spits it to the side. Doesn't matter, I heard what she was gonna say anyway, she was goinna say "before it's too late..." Well don't you dare Mamma because that CRACK! when I heard you anyway was my neck snapping back to all that's been and snapping back to front and centre and you always like to leave me on the edge like this anyway... like tommorrow doesn't have anything to do with right here & right now.
So I know what everything behind me looks like & if I squint hard enough a little focus comes in, like a 3D picture on a cereal box.
She's talking about herself. She's talking about her time to see me be what I can be running out, not my time to see it. She knows I'll see it. She's talking about herself & asking me to put as much into being successful with her, in her terms.
I hear ya mamma, loud and clear, bloody tongue or no.


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