Sunday, January 11, 2004

I haven't worked downstairs in the club in a while so tonite was a bit of a treat, in a weird "I have to stop working here but in the meantime" way. It's a much better position from which to people watch. The clientele are less on guard in the downstairs areas, plus I get to watch Phillip's antics all night. There was this chick so aware of her posture that it was uncomfortable to look at her without your lower back cracking. She had a lithe build and with a little less tension could have reminded you of a panther or some feline. Her non-bootie ass and a-cups weren't gonna come off JLo style with any amount of strain on her spine but she was not going to accept that. I kept hoping she'd get really drunk and relax into her natural attractiveness so as to soften the visual. Man, everytime she walked by I had to stretch. Oh and these guys started cat calling the owner's daughter and running after her without realizing her dad was right beside her, that was kind of funny. Phillip was hanging with the coolest looking people aka the people with relaxed and natural posture.


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