Sunday, January 11, 2004

We're trying to declutter the pad. Up to our ears in useless crap, useful crap and other assorted crap. WE both have furniture passed down through our families that we are bound to keep by some chaotic family law that these are treasures left with us for safe keeping, truth being of course that we are scapegoats for family denial. No one wants this furniture in their homes but they sure as hell want us to keep it to preserve some myth that there are stories in these pieces and by having them around the stories stay alive and keep our ancestors with us. My grandfather is in the afterlife hoping I don't discard his old dresser that is falling apart and too big for my room. With all the things to do and be in the afterlife, that's all he has to do or think about. Some dresser he bought in the 30's. As for the stories, we don't know them anyway, so what's to keep alive? I imagine that all his little flakes of dead skin that may have one time existed in there are long gone due to the numerous amounts of time I have moved. And guess what I keep in there? Clothing I never wear and wouldn't even have unless it was tucked away in some dresser where I completely forget about it. We want clear space. Empty corners, clear tabletops, bookshelves that contain books.
The following items are missing in the place: a huge set of keys, an x-ray order form, an envelope of needed receipts, a brand new tube of lipstick, about three dozen lighters, a pair of shoes, 2 pairs of mittens, a sweater, the spring from the humidifier, a bottle of plant food and possibly the neighbor's kid.


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