Thursday, February 24, 2005

2012 The Year We Make Contact

Today my search for the great minds of our time brought me to this page, which was a cute-ish encapsulation of broader subject matter I enjoy reading books about. It ends with this:

"This all starts with one simple change: Change your frequency, change your time, change your mind. Create a paradigm shift. This is the most subtle and powerful revolution going on the planet today and that’s because it’s time. It’s truly time. The next stage of evolution will create us into a telepathic organism, truly the planetary human in touch with itself everywhere around the planet. This will spring into manifestation what is known as the noosphere or the mental sphere of the planet, which obviously operates on telepathy. This is our evolutionary purpose. This is why we have been placed on this Earth.

When telepathy is the norm we will have a completely wireless civilization. We will then be able to correct our genetic deficiencies that cause us to have shoe stores and indoor plumbing. The other species don’t need that stuff, they are not defective like we are. We are on an interesting learning curve. We will correct our genetic deficiencies. We will become the dolphins of the atmosphere. We will high wire the noosphere and we will be in a whole other evolutionary state. And it begins with changing your timing frequency. Getting out of that old program and getting into the natural cycles."

I would like to be a telepathic entity floating around in some sort of amniotic ecology, all peaceful and serene, wearing no shoes, but the phone is ringing so I gotta go... it's probably a great mind of our times calling, she probably googled me to get my number...


Blogger NomadLife said...

check this out if you find that interesting:
and this:

7:55 PM  

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