Tuesday, January 13, 2004

This is my current project. A submission is in progress with the CRTC which will culminate at the end of the month with a refusal or denial by the lords of Canadian media. Keep your fingers crossed that Haltown will be brought into modern times. If y'all are so inclined, send your name to the email at the end of the mission statement to be included in the petition to the CRTC.

CKMW NEW FM: Hip Hop R&B Top 40 Dance. Urban Radio for Halifax

Mission Statement: As one of the last independent radio broadcasters in Canada CKMW Radio Ltd. reflects the multi-lingual, multi-ethnic and multi- racial reality of the local market and addresses the reality through interactive programming focusing on the lifestyles, interest and issues dominating the lives of the demographic group of listeners. News Programming will be relevant and engaging to the listener and will allow for sharing of viewpoints and avenues of expression. CKMW New FM will employ dynamic on air staff to be made visible, familiar and accessible through station sponsored events and participation in community events. CKMW New FM will play charted and uncharted material including 40% Canadian content and locally produced music.

Regular programming features will include:
Beat the Box Office: show ticket accessibility and contests
NEW FM Countdown: the listener as the program director
Like it or Not: counting the opinion of the listener on newly released music
Canadian Spotlight: an avenue of exposure for new talent
CD of The Week: samples of music and artist biography
Mix Shows: local aspiring DJ’s and club DJ’s mix, scratch, sample and showcase talent live to air.
Live to Air: live from dance clubs and live show venues
Spoken Word: Thoughts and voice of listeners will be heard in their own voice throughout programming.

CKMW New FM will offer Canadian talent development initiatives, representing hands on, innovative, long term commitment to community projects. New equity holders will be welcome to increase ownership diversity.

FAQ: The applicant is an experienced radio broadcaster who successfully competes with the national giants in the major market. Company president Bill Evanov has pioneered and run successful radio formats targeting the 15-35 yr old demographic. The company, aiming to develop a new generation of Halifax broadcasters injects the programming philosophy of Halifax, its people and perspective.
Bill Evanov has an excellent employment equity record. The company has a well thought out business plan and a proven acumen for broadcast radio.

Please direct questions and/or relevant information to ckmwnewfm@hotmail.com


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