Saturday, December 13, 2003

Blogs interest me but I've never considered myself a blogger at heart. I'm more of a stream of consciousness in a tattered scribbler type. This uber world of neo-intimacy in blogland seems about right for now with winter setting in and Halifax being Halifax. So here it is - Skinned Alive- my blog. Sounds itchy like iodine in razor cuts or torture or hunting accidents but it's a positive title. Years ago I wrote a little verse on a scrap of paper "vulnerable, like my skin had peeled back and I was covered by the salt of the sea." It pertains to being raw and ready. Another way of saying "Bring it on!" I like vulnerability. I find courage in it. My bone strength rises up whenever I am pushed to my limits. I love the glass ceiling and the sound of it shattering as I smash through it.