Friday, January 16, 2004

nattyroo & laura go to haloscan and get new comment spots. a bunch of blogs have lost their comments. the pimp took 'em.

I started my company. The Pimp is Dead (and I got all his money) Productions.
The Pimp is Dead Productions for short.
I came up with the name while perusing all the hip hop production business newsletters I subscribe to. The pimp never offended me, I could always kick his ass. But now the pimp just bores me. I"ve been thinking about this question "If you started an army what would it stand for" My army just declared war on the pimp. It won't be a violent war, no guns or ammo required. The pimp better look the fuck out. The pimp better get outta my way. I'm laughing out loud , not once in my adulthood did I ever consider that I would be asserting my ideology into the hip hop world. I love the hip hop lifestyle, what the real hip hop stands for. I love a lot of music created out of hip hop living. The pimp stole hip hop and the kids let him. The pimp is dead. I'm gonna store my money in his grave.
A lot of really cute chicks are going to be wearing T-shirts that say "THe pimp is dead." across their boobs. I'm gonna send one to that chick on MuchMusic. It'll be a new saying across the nation. K-os will write a song about it. Choclair will wish he heard it first. The Rascalz will want to marry me and The Swollen Members will vanish into oblivion. L'il Kim will be mad and try to off me cause I'll be ruining her whole crack whore schtick. 50 Cent will pay me a dollar. Erykah Badu and Common will invite me to their wedding and name their children after me. Beyonce will abandon her clothing line and move to an ashram for enlightenment. J LO from the block will feel silly about herself and pay me to be her guru. I will start a church. De La Sol will be the choir, LL Cool J will be the usher, Marley Marl will deliver the testament.
bleh. I don't care about all those things. But the company part stands. The pimp is dead. Long live the pimp.

Thursday, January 15, 2004

I'm going to be so relieved when the club finally closes. Each and every one of the projects I'm working on have come to a serious head and require my full attention. I made a proposal to my self on paper last night outlining the ways I can produce my own income and I discovered that I can also bring in some income for friends that are also shit out of luck for the two coming months. The radio station application is coming into crunch time. The music is kicking off. In the past week and a half we have tripled our income possibilities and are about to cross that line from working performers to professionally working performers. Guarantees increase, performance options go up in quality and all the shit work pays off enough to start doing the shit work for the next level. That's what being a pro is all about, accomplishing levels of shit. I have this new trend of analogizing my life through scatology.
Every few months I get the proof that attitude and perspective are everything. A few days ago I was grieving my paycheck, now I see my income abilities have been waylaid by the amount of work for pittance money I have been doing at the club. For the same amount of work, for even less work considering I was working full force on my "true" projects as well as holding the job, I can match and surpass that paycheck.
Screw it, I'm done with jobs. From now on I create it myself or it's a contract position. Good-bye fickle boss, farewell energy exploitation, sayanora frustration. Hello challenge, pleased to meetcha self application, be my best friend no one to blame or applaud but myself.

Been wandering around pirate radio stations the last few hours, soaking up the independance of it all, safe from the CRTC armada. (Definately not the Groove Armada)

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

The club where I work will be closing for renovation on the 26th of this month. We got our notice yesterday, which is less than two weeks. Isn't that illegal? Apparently reno's will last one month, but seeing how as the owners have not obtained any permits and the city is already down on them for avoiding such issues, it is bound to take longer. Someone told me to check into the issue of market saturation. Whereas 80 people are being laid off into an already saturated employment market the owners are responsible for 6 weeks pay. Man alive I hope it's true. Not sure if I qualify for EI e i-o. The coldest month of the year is a harsh time to have no income. I need a better job anyway. Something that requires skill, talent and organizational capabilities. If this radio station works out I'll be a bigwig in media. I fit doesn't I'm applying for a grant. I was on a Canada Council grant for producing, promoting and presenting music in 1994 and it was a fiscally enjoyable year full of accomplishments. Thing is I have a lot of serious projects on the go so I'm not concerned about becoming bored or lackadaisical in my unemployment, I don't do very well without income. For example I need to eat a spinach salad everyday or I go mental. I have a mental tie between the health factor of the food I eat and my state of well being. It's just a bad time of year with vegetables being at their most costly. Inexpensive food is what... bread and pasta. Ok I may as well just inject a bucket of glue into my colon now and be done with it. If I seem a little anal in the coming weeks it's because I can't breathe out of my anus.

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

This is my current project. A submission is in progress with the CRTC which will culminate at the end of the month with a refusal or denial by the lords of Canadian media. Keep your fingers crossed that Haltown will be brought into modern times. If y'all are so inclined, send your name to the email at the end of the mission statement to be included in the petition to the CRTC.

CKMW NEW FM: Hip Hop R&B Top 40 Dance. Urban Radio for Halifax

Mission Statement: As one of the last independent radio broadcasters in Canada CKMW Radio Ltd. reflects the multi-lingual, multi-ethnic and multi- racial reality of the local market and addresses the reality through interactive programming focusing on the lifestyles, interest and issues dominating the lives of the demographic group of listeners. News Programming will be relevant and engaging to the listener and will allow for sharing of viewpoints and avenues of expression. CKMW New FM will employ dynamic on air staff to be made visible, familiar and accessible through station sponsored events and participation in community events. CKMW New FM will play charted and uncharted material including 40% Canadian content and locally produced music.

Regular programming features will include:
Beat the Box Office: show ticket accessibility and contests
NEW FM Countdown: the listener as the program director
Like it or Not: counting the opinion of the listener on newly released music
Canadian Spotlight: an avenue of exposure for new talent
CD of The Week: samples of music and artist biography
Mix Shows: local aspiring DJ’s and club DJ’s mix, scratch, sample and showcase talent live to air.
Live to Air: live from dance clubs and live show venues
Spoken Word: Thoughts and voice of listeners will be heard in their own voice throughout programming.

CKMW New FM will offer Canadian talent development initiatives, representing hands on, innovative, long term commitment to community projects. New equity holders will be welcome to increase ownership diversity.

FAQ: The applicant is an experienced radio broadcaster who successfully competes with the national giants in the major market. Company president Bill Evanov has pioneered and run successful radio formats targeting the 15-35 yr old demographic. The company, aiming to develop a new generation of Halifax broadcasters injects the programming philosophy of Halifax, its people and perspective.
Bill Evanov has an excellent employment equity record. The company has a well thought out business plan and a proven acumen for broadcast radio.

Please direct questions and/or relevant information to

Sunday, January 11, 2004

We're trying to declutter the pad. Up to our ears in useless crap, useful crap and other assorted crap. WE both have furniture passed down through our families that we are bound to keep by some chaotic family law that these are treasures left with us for safe keeping, truth being of course that we are scapegoats for family denial. No one wants this furniture in their homes but they sure as hell want us to keep it to preserve some myth that there are stories in these pieces and by having them around the stories stay alive and keep our ancestors with us. My grandfather is in the afterlife hoping I don't discard his old dresser that is falling apart and too big for my room. With all the things to do and be in the afterlife, that's all he has to do or think about. Some dresser he bought in the 30's. As for the stories, we don't know them anyway, so what's to keep alive? I imagine that all his little flakes of dead skin that may have one time existed in there are long gone due to the numerous amounts of time I have moved. And guess what I keep in there? Clothing I never wear and wouldn't even have unless it was tucked away in some dresser where I completely forget about it. We want clear space. Empty corners, clear tabletops, bookshelves that contain books.
The following items are missing in the place: a huge set of keys, an x-ray order form, an envelope of needed receipts, a brand new tube of lipstick, about three dozen lighters, a pair of shoes, 2 pairs of mittens, a sweater, the spring from the humidifier, a bottle of plant food and possibly the neighbor's kid.

I haven't worked downstairs in the club in a while so tonite was a bit of a treat, in a weird "I have to stop working here but in the meantime" way. It's a much better position from which to people watch. The clientele are less on guard in the downstairs areas, plus I get to watch Phillip's antics all night. There was this chick so aware of her posture that it was uncomfortable to look at her without your lower back cracking. She had a lithe build and with a little less tension could have reminded you of a panther or some feline. Her non-bootie ass and a-cups weren't gonna come off JLo style with any amount of strain on her spine but she was not going to accept that. I kept hoping she'd get really drunk and relax into her natural attractiveness so as to soften the visual. Man, everytime she walked by I had to stretch. Oh and these guys started cat calling the owner's daughter and running after her without realizing her dad was right beside her, that was kind of funny. Phillip was hanging with the coolest looking people aka the people with relaxed and natural posture.