It was with great dismay as a child that I discovered who accepted what to take out the Beothuk. It was with great dismay I discovered as an adolescent who accepted what to round up Africans for shipment as slaves to the Americas. That Judas traded his friend, let alone his lord for coin, that the Jews crucified Jesus, who history would later define as a very famous Jew... Human nature seems thus, that great acts against itself will be committed in the evolution of questionable societal, racial & monetary gain. The idea of an expendable race was never Hitler's private domain yet he is the most famous for it. How many holocausts go unwritten over the centuries. We'll never know the truth of history in its entirety but certain points we have to understand as valid by the mere remnants left behind. Hiroshima won't be questioned as true anytime soon as the earth there will hold the toxic proof for some generations into the future. Not too many folks will dispute the effects of the tar ponds in Sydney on the poor folk who lived around it because that land will bear the mark of the carcinogens for ages to come. There are photographs upon photographs documenting the holocaust. There are memoirs written by survivors as well as by German soldiers who rued their own participation. There are memoirs written by German citizens who found out about the extermination camps only after their exposure to the rest of the world. I only found out about the holding camps for Japanese expatriates in Canada during WWII about 12 yrs ago at a David Suzuki lecture.
I uphold anyone's right to put information into the world according to their own perception and perspective, but there is a lot of bad information out there. A person's ability to intake from the vast amounts available what is true and correct is subject to innumerable variables. I say the proof is in the pudding. I would have liked to been at that meeting where countless Jewish people and Germans got together and made up this elaborate story about extermination camps with human incinerators and whose smart idea was it to bring in the Gypsies and homosexuals, anyway. The really brilliant part was when they brought in the Americans as the ones who exposed it all to the world. Yeah, they decided to make the Americans the heroes. Likely, very likely. It boggles me that individuals are willing to discount the Holocaust as true. That Shakespeare was a group of writers, sure, that Stephen King is now a group of writers, sure, but that an entire generation of mismatched people could elaborate so specifically on an event of mind numbing proportion? Give me a break. Ever try to get a group of even twenty people on the exact same page? Let alone 100's with specifics that coincide? Maybe Jesus existed, maybe he didn't. There's a lot more physical proof for the existence of the Holocaust than there is for the existence of the son of god. The various factions of Christians don't even agree on the history surrounding that lifetime, possibly less than agree on the facts surrounding the Holocaust. Thing is I do believe Jesus existed. I believe Siddharta existed, I believe Arjuna and Zeus and Apollo and hell I believe Xena the Warrior princess existed. You know why? Because the myth of existence, the brain that evolves and causes us to ponder the dinosaurs and the Incas, Easter Island & Stonehenge is the brain that desires a higher purpose to this existence. It's the brain that causes millions of people to go out and spend $9 to form a love/hate empathy for the trials of the creature Smeagol and the brain that weeps when Santa Claus is exposed for the Coca Cola invention that he is & not the gift giver who reads your letters and cares about your character. Mel Gibson needs his son of god to be correct because his personal mythology relies on it. His sense of self relies on it. Anyway, it's easy not to take his point of view too seriously because everybody knows that a physical representation of Jesus wouldn't be that Caucasian looking. Jesus would have had a dark olive skin tone. I wouldn't be surprised to discover that alot of jewish people aren't taking the anti-semitism of the movie to heart because they're just snickering to themselves about the folly of another white Jesus. I wonder what the ratio of non-white Christians to white Christians is? My guess is this new for 2004 model of white Jesus isn't talking to most of them.